Qualifications: Registered Nurse, DipComNur, PGCerHCS, PGCertPH
Mutu’i Temukisa’s background as a registered nurse has included roles as developing the role of the Nurse Educator for Kari Centre Child & Mental Health, Tupu Ora Eating disorder, Tu Maia Youth Forensic Services, Hapai Ora Early intervention Team and Aronui ora Maternal Mental health team for ADHB Child and Adolescent Mental Health services, worked in Adult inpatient unit at Te Whetu Tawera, in addition extensive experience working in the community as a Well child Nurse, Plunket nurse and Plunketline Tele Nursing.
She has also been a Senior nurse Lecturer at Manukau Institute of Technology in the Programmes of Bachelor of Nursing Pacific and across the Bachelor of Mental health Focus Paper in both programmes marking assessments and visiting undergraduate student nurses onsite at their Clinical Placements.
Mutu’i Temukisa has worked in Auckland as a Registered Nurse for over 26 years and include working for the Samoan Health Mission in 2010 Tsunami Samoa and also as a NZ PACMAT Measles in Samoa outbreak – Pacific Medical Association during Dec 2019 and returning in January 2020. Where she was deployed for 2 weeks at each mission.
Very recently being redeployed to work at the Auckland Regional Public health team via as a contract tracing Pacific nurse when the COVID 19 outbreak began earlier on and during the last surge working and covering at Fraser McDonald unit and at the Child & Family Unit (CFU) in the mothers and baby’s unit and in the open ward at (CFU). Mutu’i Temukisa tautua (service) to her people and community she is married to Kalolo Snyder and have four children named Leilani, Li’iLi’i-Lei, Christian Silila and April-Lei the passion behind it is to see Pacific children and their families & community thrive for better health outcomes and a fundamental ethical value is to ”Do unto others as you would like them to do to you”.